
Beersmith 2.3
Beersmith 2.3

beersmith 2.3 beersmith 2.3
  2. BEERSMITH 2.3 64 BIT
beersmith 2.3

You can also now enter a price for water and track the cost for the overall beer. Recommended ion ranges for brewing are shown using the colored balls next to the ions. Water analysis has been added throughout the program to calculate recommended ion ranges, residual alkalinity, sulfate to chloride ratios, and hardness for all water profiles.

beersmith 2.3

The ingredient display expands to take advantage of larger screens and the custom field display space was doubled. A new button for adjusting individual IBU contributions from hops is also active now. Keyboard focus issues were corrected and shortcuts have been added so you can easily add ingredients using the keyboard (Ctrl-Y for yeast, Ctrl-W for water, etc…) as long as the ingredient list has focus.Ĭopy, paste, duplicate, and an undo button are now active on the ingredient list making it easier to handle small changes. You can also now select multiple ingredients and delete them all at once. The new add ingredient dialogs all have a button that lets you add the currently selected ingredient without closing the dialog so you can enter a bunch of hop additions quickly. You can now change the amount of an ingredient by editing the amount column directly on the ingredient list – never even opening a dialog.Īdding/altering ingredients is easier too.


You can still get the full details by clicking on the detail button a the bottom of the ingredient. When you open an ingredient for editing, BeerSmith now shows a simplified dialog with focus on the amount of that ingredient which makes it much easier to quickly adjust it. Near the bottom of this tab I’ve also added support for fermentation tracking and you can enter fermentation gravity and temperature readings and graph them against your planned fermentation profile. A reset button near the top sets all of the values equal to the estimates so you can easily reset for another batch. Each field is color coded yellow until an actual value is entered making it easy to track the items you have entered from the ones still to be done. A large number of bug fixes, usability enhancements, and recipe editing features to make the program easier to use.Ī new session tab replaces the fermentation tab for each recipe and lets you record session readings in one place so you can easily compare predicted vs actual values.An improved brewing engine that can integrate hop additions as gravity changes in the boil as well as carry over unused hops into the whirlpool for long whirlpool or “no chill” brewing.The ability to lock/unlock recipes for editing.Support for CO2 as well as isomerized hop extract additions.Proper late sugar additions for all grain, as well as a separate mash gravity and mash efficiency estimation.Support for wide screen monitors including many resizable dialogs.Simplified recipe editing that makes it easier to create and adjust recipes including things like copy/paste/undo, the ability to add/delete multiple items at once, proper keyboard shortcuts and focus handling, and more.Mash pH estimation and acid adjustments built into the recipe editor along with improved water analysis.A new “Session” tab that consolidates brewing session data in one place and makes it easy to compare planned vs actual readings.Changes to BeerSmith mobile are also planned for the fall to bring it in line with the new desktop features.


The Windows update will run on Windows 7 and higher.


The Mac release will be available for 64 bit systems (OSX 10.9/Mavericks and higher) and Linux will be for current Ubuntu 64 bit systems.


The next BeerSmith release will be a free update for existing BeerSmith 2 users for Mac and PC on 8 August with the Linux version to follow a short time later. BeerSmith V2.3 includes some of the most asked for features including much easier recipe editing, enhanced water tools, mash pH prediction and adjustment and significant updates to the brewing engine. Follow happy to announce the latest update to BeerSmith, V2.3 is coming on 8 August and has been in beta testing since June.

Beersmith 2.3